Monday, March 2, 2009

A conversation about tea.

Russians like to put an obscene amount of sugar in tea. This conversation with a cashier at a cafe is a prime example of awful Russian tea and an easily frustrated American. The following took place in Russian:

Me: Large black tea with sugar to go please.
Cashier: (pointing to giant sack-like packets of sugar) How many sugars?
M: One.
C: Two?
M: One.
C: Two.
M: Okay... Two.
C: Three.
C: It is a big cup... Four?
M: Two please.
C: Okay
(Puts four packets of sugar in cup)

...Ten minutes later on metro

Me: I think I have had sugar cubes that were less concentrated with sugar than this.
Friend: It has taken on the chemical properties of sugar.

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